Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Do...

I am sitting comfortably, in my living room, laptop out, furry companion by my side and my feet soaking in a Bubble Bliss. Yes, that's right, a Bubble Bliss. What is a Bubble Bliss you ask? It is a bubble massager for the feet that is amazing. My husband got it for me after I threatened him not to get me anything for Valentine's Day. Not a big fan of the day, never have been really. But yesterday I was especially lovey. Especially giddy. I don't know why but I was.
When Shannon came home he was holding the BB (Bubble Bliss) in one hand and his other arm outstretched to me. He hugged me and thanked me for being his wife. Well, the honor is all mine to be honest!
He is such a cool guy. I think we parent incredibly well and we are one heck of a team. He is fiercely protective of his family and his life. He is loyal and so very kind.

This is my very favorite picture. The picture that makes my heart all floppy when I look at. The picture that makes me stop in my tracks while I think of this amazing day.
This picture was taken at the airport when Shannon and Sam came home from China. The very first day that I met my newest and youngest son. The kids and I had a long three weeks without Shannon being home. The day that he left for China, I remember coming home and falling into bed, crying on his pillow. I was alone. With 2 kids. For 3 weeks. Without my very best friend. The days that would follow I would realize just how much he meanns to me and this family. I would realize that I missed him more than I ever thought possible. And I would realize just how much he did for me and our children. The first few days were rough. I felt like I was in a fog. I just wanted to pick up the phone and call him and tell him the small details. But most of all, I wanted to feel his foot rubbing mine as we lay in bed and talk about our days. Oh how I missed him.
The day that we were to go to the airport I was a nervous wreck. I was nervous about seeing him, meeting Sam and how our lives were to be from here on out. Thankfully my sister and brother in law were in town and they took all the kids out for the day and I had a little time alone before we were to leave. My mother in law and I left a bit early for the airport and went to Starbucks. Shocker, I know. After sitting there for 3.5 minutes we agreed that it was torture and we would just go to the airport a little (alot) early.
As Shannon and Sam were walking towards us the emotions that flooded my head were too many. There was my husband! And my son! Our family was complete! They were home!!! My father in law introduced me to my son and that was the most amazing feeling ever. It was so emotional and overwhelming. I loved on Sam, hugged on him and couldn't belive he was home!!! We we were walking to the baggage claim, both little kids wanted me to hold them. Welp, here we go. Welcome to mommahood with kids 9 months apart!! I was holding the little kids and people must have thought it was funny/amusing/I told you so/what in the world because flashes were going off and it was a kodak moment. They were heavy too! But I was doing my best and my arms were aching and I was sure about to fall off.

Then I feel it.
His arms. The arms that extended to put a ring on my finger. The arms that rejoiced with me when I told him I was pregnant. The arms that held my hand as we brought our son into the world. That reached out to a little girl he didn't even know and welcomed her into his heart with the first smile. The arms that hugged me goodbye at the airport as he embarked to China to bring home our new son. These arms were now holding mine as I tried with all my might to carry the weight of our children. How amazing it felt after all that time away from him to feel his arms so securely under mine holding me up.
I love doing life with him. Marriage with him and parenthood with him. It was my pleasure and the greatest day of my life when I said, "I do".